Our Services

About EquiCare Human services

EquiCare Human Services is a Social Services and disability support services provider based in Wollert, Victoria.

Support Coordination

Our Support Coordinators specialise in working with people with developmental delay/ intellectual disability and / or autism, along with a range of other developmental or physical disabilities

Happy family

Life Stage Transition

Transitioning to a new stage of life can be a challenge. That’s why we are here to assist participants through life transitions. There are many life stage transitions we can help with coordinating– including starting or changing school, moving home or into supported accommodation and even getting out and about in the community more.

Social Work Services

EquiCare has qualified independent Social worker who offers referral pathways, advocacy to mainstream and community services, parent coaching and group therapy supports for carers and families who need support with lifestyle changes of their loved ones. 

Development of kid with disabilities