EquiCare has qualified independent Social worker who offers referral pathways, advocacy to mainstream and community services, parent coaching and group therapy supports for carers and families who need support with lifestyle changes of their loved ones.
Social workers support individuals with disability to achieve their goals, build capacity, resolve areas of concern and enhance their wellbeing and community participation. Social workers can provide guidance within NDIS processes.
NDIS social workers play a crucial role in developing support plans unique to the individual life goals of their clients. We have qualified social workers recognised by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) who are trained to provide best practice psychosocial services and counselling.
The NDIS requires that all providers who work with participants have a valid NDIS worker screening clearance. This is a national check that ensures the safety and security of people with disability. It is available through your state or territory government service department. This clearance is also required for employees of registered NDIS providers. It is essential to have this clearance before you can begin working in the NDIS.